About me

My name is Gabi Arranz. My life has always been linked to sports, searching for feelings of freedom and pushing my limits.

The happiest memory from my childhood is when I learned to ride a bicycle. That moment marked a milestone in my life. Nothing would ever be the same again, I was hooked forever.

In the 80s, I dreamed of cycling through off road trails, jumps, curves, downhill runs and inaccessible trails, something technically impossible to do with the bikes of that time. Faced with this impossibility, I began to modify my own bicycles. This way, a new world opened up before me, and the possibility of finally biking on muddy roads encouraged me even more to continue researching and innovating components and bikes.

In the 90s, the first mountain bikes arrived -- in my eyes, the final evolution of what I had been developing and practicing for the last 10 years.

During all these intense years I was building up experience in competitions, manufacturing of parts and components, and also as a mechanic. To this day, nothing has changed... My drive and motivation for being able to offer a unique and totally personalized product for your own enjoyment have only grown.